Tuesday, April 30, 2013

June 2004 Messenger: Ponder - "To Quietly Think Things Through"

Each month we would receive the "Micronesia Guam Messenger" a mission newsletter.  I would look forward to these like Christmas!  Each issue would contain a message from President Pulsipher, favorite quotes of Sister Pulsipher that missionaries would include in their letters to the president specifically for her, incoming and out going missionaries, a list of people baptized in the previous month and other excitements.

***June 2004 MESSENGER
Ponder - "To Quietly Think Things Through"
          Do you appreciate that you are apart of something really special that is happening in the mission?  Incredible things just keep happening!  It is an understatement to say that Cornelius is alive and well in Micronesia Guam.  A year ago for the months of January through May the mission baptized 91.  This year 248.  That's over 2.5 times as many.  That is something special.  Have you thought about why?
          "Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard." 2 Nephi 4:16 (bolding added)  You have used that scripture to prepare your talk for the last zone conference.  Did you follow its advice?  Have you pondered what is happening in you and in this mission?
          We can learn from others.  We can read about their experiences and watch what is happening in their lives and think that we understand.  But the only things we really know for sure are the things that happen within and to us.  Nephi continually pondered the things that happened to him.  To what end?  He continued to learn more about himself, the people around him, his world and his relationship with his Father in heaven.  When President Dellenbach bore his testimony at the Mission President's training in February he said, "I am still trying to figure out who I am and my relationship with the Savior."  President Dellenbach has been a general authority for 17 years.  you might think, "He should have figured that out by now".  Understanding ourselves, who we really are, and all that the Savior means to us is a never ending journey.
          So, take some time to ponder, quietly think about, what has happened over the course of your mission.  What have you learned?  How have you changed?  How has your relationship with your Father in Heaven, your Savior, changed?  Why has the mission changed so dramatically?
          President Hinckley gave a wonderful address at Brigham young University entitled "I Believe".  He stated, "Each of us is largely the product of his or her beliefs.  Our behaviors are governed by these.  They become our standards of conduct".  He mentioned the thirteen Articles of Faith, the "We Believes" of this Church.  he went on to say, "I have a personal secondary set of beliefs, ten to be exact, that I have written out to serve as reminders and guideposts for my individual benefit.  I have been asked to share them.  I do so with some reluctance because they are personal, but with the thought that they may give encouragement to others.  I have not set these ten statements necessarily in order of their importance."
          Here they are:
"I believe in the wonders of the human body and the miracle of the humand mind.:
"I believe in beauty."
"I believe in the gospel of work."
"I believe that honesty is still the best policy."
"I believe in the obligations and blessings of service."
"I believe the family to be the basic and most important unit of society."
"I believe in the principle of thrift."
"I believe in myself."
"I believe in God, my Eternal Father, and His Beloved Son, and  Redeemer of the world."
"I believe in Prayer."
          So, what do you now believe?  Is Cornelius real to you?  Is the spirit your daily companion? Do you believe in the "gospel of work?"  Elders and Sisters take the time to "ponder and "continually ponder" upon the things that you are experiencing.  Write down your "I Believes."  Like President Hinckley they will become reminders and guideposts for your life.  I have done that.  I will share mine with you at another time.
          We continue to be so proud of you.  We have always believed we had great missionaries.  We thrill in what you are becoming and these wonderful people that you are bringing to Christ.

Our Love,
President and Sister Pulsipher

30 April 2013 The More Kids You Have, The Faster the Months Fly By

We did not have to say any prayers to work through problems with Pwopwo or Lloyd yesterday.

I have had the opportunity to learn a lot more about the power of the priesthood in the last month.  Studying Elder Ballards talk, "This is My Work and My Glory," reminds me of the importance of the priesthood and remaining worthy of receiving it's blessings.

Elder Ballad shared a story about a girl and her tomato plant.  She allowed the plant to live in a dark room and it started to wither.  Saddened she learned from her mother that she might give it some water and sun light to revitalize her plant.  Upon nourishing the plant, the tomato plant got healthy and started to grow again.  Elder Ballard shared the following,
But if we are not careful, we can become like the wilted tomato plant. We can drift away from the true doctrine and gospel of Christ and become spiritually undernourished and wilted, having removed ourselves from the divine light and living waters of the Savior’s eternal love and priesthood power.
If we cut ourselves off from the nourishment we receive from the gospel and blessings of the priesthood in our lives our spirits can become wilted like the tomato plant.  It is important to do things like attend church, accept callings and counsel from our church leaders and spouses.

Elder Ballard also shared the opportunity he had to work on the new Worldwide Training, "Strengthening the Family and The Church Through the Priesthood."  Watching these segments has opened my heart to understanding more about the power of the priesthood.  We are going to start using these segments with our babies to help them learn the important role the power of the priesthood plays in our lives.

I know the power of the priesthood is a real and active power.  It is the power of God on earth held by those who are worthy to exercise that power.  I know that by the power of the priesthood worlds were created.  I know that through the power of the priesthood my life has personally been blessed because I have been sealed to my husband for time and all eternity and our babies with us.

Now as promised, pictures.  Sunday Night Dinner with the Kaaukai-Ranis Family and an impromptu beach day at Pokai Bay.

Next Post: Sister Pulsipher's favorite June quotes, My I Believes, and what I think about when I jog

Monday, April 29, 2013

On Yesterday Was An Awesome Sunday!

I forgot that there were five of us sisters.  Sister Leishman, Sister Henderson, Sister Fusi, Sister Wagstaff and me.  I don't know where we all slept.

***June 18, 2004 JOURNAL: Mochiko Powder Pancakes
          If I stay here any longer I'm going to get fat!  Sister Henderson is such a good cook.
          Training was really good this morning.  I really feel blessed to be assigned to this mission.  President Pulsipher is such a good motivational speaker.  I enjoy listening to him speak.
          Tomorrow is our last day together.  The elders all leave to their respective areas tomorrow night.  I'm here until Monday.  Our "district family" will really be separated.  Kind of sad, but it's a good thing.  I know I'm going to miss them. HAWAII PARTY JUNE 2006!
          Time is flying by so very fast.  I can hardly believe it.

29 April 2013 A Sunday Review

Yesterday was a good day.  Last week we attended Nanakuli ward and this week we were back in our home ward.  Both weeks we sang Hark All Ye Nations.  And I thought I better get back on my blog!

In Sacrament Meeting, the primary Presidency spoke on the topic of prayer and revelation.  Sister Laura shared about her daughter Victoria, who went to an activity with her soccer team.  Sister Laura shared that she was worried about this particular activity and didn't get a chance to talk to Victoria's coach about what they were going to do.  Sister Laura prayed for help.  Later that night Victoria called home to be picked up early because the team was going to watch an inappropriate movie.

Sister Fernandez shared part of Elder Bednar's talk, "The Spirit of Revelation."  She shared that less often revelation comes to us like a light switch being turned on.  Instant knowledge and understanding for what we had been seeking.  More often we receive revelation like a sun rise.  Slow and steady, line upon line and precept upon precept.  She talked about how she and her husband would always receive revelation and help with raising one of their sons whenever he was in trouble.

Sister Johnston said the more she aligns her life with the will of God, the more she is able to receive revelation.  She invited us all (not all at once) to come to primary and feel of the spirit there.  She shared her testimony about how living the gospel is improving her life.

The gospel doctrine lesson was "Thou Shalt  ... Offer Up Thy Sacraments Upon My Holy Day." Sister Porter taught us that our Sunday worship is defined by us, individually and the way we observe the Sabbath day is individual and personal.  It was shared that Sunday worship is a process of being sanctified and that we are all in different places in that process.  My favorite part was shared by Sister Porter when she explained that Sunday's activities should make Sunday feel different from every other day of the week.  I sometimes struggle with knowing what is okay or not to do on Sundays.  But that explanation shed some light for me.

In Relief Society Sister Lewis taught from "Being a True Disciple" a talk from the October 2012 general conference given by Elder Daniel L. Johnson.
Discipleship is all about doing and becoming. As we obey His commandments and serve our fellowmen, we become better disciples of Jesus Christ. Obedience and submission to His will bring the companionship of the Holy Ghost, along with those blessings of peace, joy, and security that always accompany this third member of the Godhead. And they can come in no other way. Ultimately, it is total submission to His will that helps us become as our Savior is. Again, becoming like Him and being one with Him is the ultimate goal and objective—and essentially the very definition of true discipleship.
Sister Kalama shared that she learned a more effective way to talk with her adult children about ways to improve and keep the gospel in their lives.  When she normally would address her children about keeping commandments and attending church they would end up fighting about it.  Then she started saying a prayer with them individually, then talking about what they should be doing to keep the gospel in their lives.  Sister Kalama said it is much more successful with less fighting.  I am trying to do this, this week.  I told Nakeu that Pwopwo and I are going to be praying all week!  Yesterday, in the few hours we were home after church we had three prayers then discussed her behavior.  Lloyd and I had one prayer and discussed his behavior.  It's not an instant fix, but at least I don't feel as upset at the babies when we are talking about not listening or hitting or other inappropriate behaviors.

Next Post: President Pulsiphers Message from the June 2004 Messenger, Elder Ballard's talk and pictures from the weekend!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Desire Model - how to get what we desire

Some of this is way outdated o.O as we didn't get Preach My Gospel until I was six or eight months out.  Also, I believe we went over the Control Model this day too, but I didn't take any extra notes on it.  The control model can also be viewed in the models tab.

***06/18/2004 Orientation: Day Two, Part Two
         1. Desire Model (see model tab /\)
               A. 1 Nephi 2:16 - I did believe
               B. Alma 29:1-4 - God works according to our desires
               C. Mark 9:23 - All things are possible if we believe it
               D. Hebrews 11 - faith
               E. Ether 12 - faith
               F. Isaiah 55:8-9 - thy will be done
               G. Jacob 4:6 - in obtaining all these witnesses we develop hope

          2. Building the kingdom --> Build the people
               A. Baptize worthy converts
                    1) Doctrine and Covenants 20:37
                    2) A testimony of the restoration
               B. Strengthening New converts
                    1) A Friend - Members are the key.  Try to get a member at every discussion
                    2) Responsibility - Calling
                    3) Nourishing by the word of God - continue to teach
                         a) six discussions for new missionaries
                         b) re-teach the six standard discussions
               C. Strengthen Leadership

23 April 2013
This week I am studying Elder Ballard's talk, "This is My Work and My Glory"

This morning I was reading in 2 Nephi.  Chapter 31 talks about Christ's baptism.  It says that Christ was baptized to fulfill all righteousness and to show us that He, Jesus Christ, was willing to follow and keep the commandments of His (and our) Father.  In verse 10 we are reminded that Jesus Christ commands us to follow Him and ends with this phrase, "can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father?"  As Jesus Christ was willing to follow the commandments, we too should keep the commandments and directions of our Heavenly Father.  In the MTC we were taught the value of obedience with exactness.  As I was out in the mission field I learned that if I was diligent in being obedient to the commandments of the Lord in all things, I would be blessed with the knowledge and help I desired.

Each weekday morning (weather permitting) we walk Lloyd to school.  After six weeks I was cleared by my doctor to return to "life as usual," kind of.  I decided it was time to start working down the baby fat.  I am fully aware of the rule of thumb that it took nine months to gain the weight and it should take at least that long to loose the extra weight.

I wasn't quite ready to return to the gym again, so I thought taking a walk in the morning after dropping Lloyd off at school would be the way to go.  In the first few weeks I lost, nothing.  I thought to myself, I'm walking further than I used to, pushing a stroller with two kiddies and sometimes carrying a third baby in the baby carrier.  How am I not losing the pound a week that is recommended?  So I decided to cut back on sweets going back to the no sweets after 8pm rule that I like to keep.  After another week of that I still lost no weight.  Note that I didn't gain any weight either.  I thought to myself, well if I'm not going to lose weight whether or not I keep all these rules, then I might as well give up on it and do whatever makes me happy.

I didn't give up.  I decided it was time to increase the intensity.  So I implemented a half block jog, half block walk routine (when I only have two babies, and am not watching my infant client).  After the first morning I felt slow.  I could barely make it.  But walking past a bunch of skinny-bodied high school girls gives one motivation beyond belief!  So I kept at it. A few mornings I woke up and got out and thought, I just don't have time to do this today.  Then I began thinking, the faster I move, the faster I will get home.  The faster I move, the faster I will get home.

Now, almost four weeks later, I am finally starting to hit that pound a week mark and it feels great! Also the benefits are great for my self esteem and my food choices during the day.  I still eat sweets during the day if they are around and I want it, but not as much and not after 8pm unless I am not paying attention to the time.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Variety Show: Orientation, Elder Holland, Sunday Night Dinner

Day two on Guam!

**06/18/2004 Orientation Notes: Day Two
          1. Who are you? Sons and daughters of God with purpose and potential
               A. We started as intelligence, then spirits, then we gained bodies.  When we die our bodies and spirits with separate, the our spirits will join our perfected bodies.
               B. Hebrews 12:9 - earthly and heavenly children
               C. Romans 8:16-17 - we are children of God and joint heirs with Christ (equals)
               D. "I'm still trying to figure out who I am and what my relationship is with my Heavenly Father."
          2. Satan: Isaiah 14:12-16
16:  They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
          3. Doctrine and Covenants 93:29 - Intelligence
               A. We are responsible for our intelligence
                    1) Take ownership of who you are
                    2) Make no excuses
               B. The opportunity to become all that we potentially already were/can become

22 April 2013

For my thoughts on "Lord, I Believe" by Elder Holland I decided to do a highlight reel:
  • I would say to all who wish for more faith, remember . . . In moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited
  •  hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes
  • The size of your faith or the degree of your knowledge is not the issue—it is the integrity you demonstrate toward the faith you do have and the truth you already know
  • When problems come and questions arise, do not start your quest for faith by saying how much you do not have, leading as it were with your “unbelief” 
  • be true to the faith you do have
  • In this Church,what we know will always trump what we do not know
  • when the infinite fulness is poured forth, it is not the oil’s fault if there is some loss because finite vessels can’t quite contain it all
  • when doubt or difficulty come, do not be afraid to ask for help
  • God will send help from both sides of the veil to strengthen our belief
  • if your faith is a little tested in this or any season, I invite you to lean on mine
  • Hope on
  • first and forever fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe
Now for some pictures from our Sunday Night Family Dinner last night:

Next Post: Desire Model and Thoughts on Exercising

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cornelius and an Awesome RS Spring Conference

The story of Cornelius and Peter is another commonly recurring topic in our missionary training.

***06/17/2004 Orientation Notes: Day One Part Three
          1. Acts 10
               a.      Cornelius <-- Holy Ghost --> Peter
               b. non-member  <-- Holy Ghost --> member (missionary)
          2. World Class Missionary
               a. Alma 17-27 - read and record what makes these missionaries world class
               b. We need to be consumed with missionary work
               c. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
          3. Moroni 10:3 - Adam to 2004
"...remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things..."
               a. God Always:
                     1. Prophets
                     2. Angels
                    3. Miracles
                    4. Prophecies
                    5. Covenants
               b. God has been merciful to the children of men since the beginning until now
ADAM --------Christ--------Joseph Smith----------2004
|                           |                       |                                |
Noah               mercy              restoration           Me
|                                                   |
Abraham                                  world

20 April 2013 Awesomest RS Conference
Today was RS Spring Conference.  Here's the effect it had on Tactac -->

There main theme was based on the Relief Society Declaration
We are beloved spirit daughters of God, and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction. As a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotion to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Exemplar. We are women of faith, virtue, vision, and charity who ... Sustain the priesthood as the authority of God on earth.
We watched the segment: The Power of the Priesthood in the Family.  It talks about how fathers and mothers can work together to raise families in righteousness.  Also the role of priesthood in our homes.

Sister Porter taught a workshop: Following the Promptings of the Holy Ghost.  She referenced a book by Sister Sheri Dew, "If Life Were Easy It Wouldn't Be So Hard," which reminded us about the importance of prayer and scripture study.  This things will "help us draw down the powers of heaven into our lives."  She asked us a question then turned on static on the radio.  It was hard for us to hear and understand each other.  Once the static was turned off, things were much clearer.  We learned that we need to turn of the static in our lives and tune into the Holy Ghost.  "When we are distracted by the world we cannot receive what Heavenly Father has for us because we are not diligently searching."

She shared a story about two sisters.  The older sister chastised the younger sister abusing prayer by praying for simple, small things.  We learned that nothing is too small to ask for help from our Heavenly Father.  If we can learn to trust Heavenly Father in small things, he becomes like our friend and we can trust him with our larger, more difficult problems.

She then showed us some dead leaves.  The leaves died because they cut themselves off from what sustains them.  If we choose not to study the scriptures, we too are cutting ourselves off from Heavenly Father, who sustains us.

She concluded that we are only alone if we go through life trying to rely only on ourselves and not the Lord.

Mommy (Sister Manoa) taught: Supporting and Sustaining The Priesthood

We started by writing down how and why we support the priesthood.  I said I support the priesthood by following the counsel I am given, seeking counsel when I need help, making Nakeu available when he needs to fulfill his duties and not complaining.

We talked about how the priesthood has influenced our lives.  We call on priesthood holders to exercise their power so they know we value their power and worthiness.  We are grateful for the ordinances they are able to perform.  We make it easier for them to perform their duties.

Sister Aken taught: Loving Life through Simple Pictures

This picture broke all the rules she taught us because I took it from an angle below my subject.  It is not following the rule of thirds.   And my white balance is off.  But she is following the rules of tilting her head to the side and elongating her neck.

It was a really fun class

Sister Takeuchi and Ashley helped us make these neat flowers to give to the sisters that we visit teach.

Then we got to watch a presentation by a group of Native Americans.  It was completely awesome!

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Parable of the Bean Bag Frog

I know I said that today's post would cover the Parable of the Bean Bag Frog, Cornelius and Elder Holland's Talk.  There is, however too much that goes with the Cornelius story so it will have to wait for the next post.  Elder Hollands talk will also have to be in another post on account of how long this post is.  Kapwuramahk!  (sorry!)

***06/17/04 Orientation Notes: Day One, Part Two
          1. Principles of the Bean Bag Frog
               a. problem/need
               b. do your part: ask
               c. listen/act

CONFESSION: I don't have my copy of the Parable of the Bean Bag Frog.  I have used it's principles and am still working on trying to find it.  Although, I think I gave it away (my copy of the story, not my frog).  So, I'm also trying to get a new copy from the source, along with permission to use it here.  I have added a page (/\)with an edited version of a one I found on someone else's blog.

          Here's the basic run-down of "The Parable of the Bean Bag Frog"
A true story about our mission president, President Pulsipher, his wife, Sister Pulsipher, and their daughter Kristen.

  • Kristen lost her bean bag frog that she loved.
  • Kristen's dad asked her if God knew everything, and therefore knew where her frog was.
  • Kristen and her dad prayed and asked God to help them find her frog
  • Kristen's dad told Kristen they needed to wait and pictures would come to their heads of where to look
  • Whenever a picture came to mind they went to look
  • They prayed as a family that night for more help
  • Kristen's mom woke up, in the middle of the night and found Kristen's frog
Here are some of the things we can learn from "The Parable of the Bean Bag Frog"
  • God knows all things
  • God can help us with everything and anything that is good
  • We need to ask God for the help that we need
  • God communicates with us, through the Holy Ghost,by sending us thoughts and ideas or pictures to our minds and feelings to our hearts
  • We need to wait quietly, ponder and study in order to receive answers to our prayers
  • God sometimes answers our prayers through others
President Pulsipher used to share a story about how he would get help at work. He worked for an engineering company in computer software production.  Sometimes he would reach a point where the software wouldn't do what it was supposed to do.  He would ask Heavenly Father for help in the following format, "Heavenly Father, I have a problem and I need your help.  Will you please help to me ..."  Then he would wait for the answer to come.  And the answer would come to his mind as pictures and thoughts and he would be able to work out his problem.

The interesting ending to the story is that Sister Pulsipher is the one who found the frog up high on a shelf, in a place no one considered.  She was able to receive the answer to the prayer when her mind was quiet and open.  Sometimes we pray and ask God for help and go on expecting an answer, which is good.  But the noise of being busy during the day, and focusing on other things doesn't leave our minds open to hearing the quiet promptings that God is sending to us.   When we especially need answers from God, it does well for us to find a quiet place to think, ponder and listen for God's answers.  Then when we receive an answer we must act on it.  Even if we don't understand how it will work out in the end.  We need to trust that God knows all things and can help us with all things.  I know that God will always answer us, because God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Next Post: Cornelius (for reals!)

Now onto the literal mountain of dishes that need to be done ... :) Happy Friday.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Missionary Orientation and Coupon Extravaganza

The awesome notes from orientation.  It was after the first day of orientation that I realized the mistake in writing in pencil.  It's a good thing I'm trying to decipher this now and not ten years from now ... it may be too faded by then.

I broke this down into two parts so it doesn't get too lengthy all at once

***06/17/04 Orientation Notes: Day One, Part One
          - Doctrine and Covenants 31:3
"Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation."
          - 2 Nephi 4:16
 "Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard."
          1. Internet Analogy:
               a. The Holy Ghost is the internet of the mind
               b. It connects to the giant search engine: Heavenly Father.
          2. Another Analogy:
               a. The battery starts the engine (<-- power)
               b. Obedience starts the spiritual engine (<-- the Holy Ghost)
               c. the power of the gospel is in the spirit
          3. Learn the language of the spirit
              (we are the limitation of the spirit)
               a. Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 - the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit
               b. John 19:26 - the Holy Ghost can teach all things, bring all things to remembrance
               c. Doctrine and Covenants 8:2-3 - tell your mind and heart
               d. Jacob 4:13 - speaketh the truth plainly - teaches things as they really are
               e. John 15:26 - testifies of Christ
               f. 2 Nephi 2:10 - law = blessings or punishments

18 April 2013

Yesterday I went to a couponing seminar at the Honolulu Advertiser Building in Kapolei.  I learned some great new things!

I've been couponing now for almost two years, picking up tips and tricks here and there.  The benefit of this seminar is that it was free, which means most of the information was very basic.  The catch (because there's no such thing as a free lunch) is they try to get you to buy subscriptions to the Sunday paper.  Our household already has two subscriptions to the Sunday paper (this is the only sure way to get all the coupons), but you can get up to five subscriptions if you go to the seminar.  For now, two subscriptions is enough for our family.

          Here's what I learned:

Principles of Couponing:
  1. Use a coupon when something is on sale
  2. Use multiples of the same coupon to stock up on a particular sale item
Important things to know:
  1. You need to know the coupon policies of the stores at which you want to use coupons.  (see coupon page /\)
  2. It is suggested that you get one subscription to the Sunday paper per member of your family
  3. You don't need to use every coupon!
  4. If a coupon expires, Let it go.  And preferably let it go to a warehouse where they will ship it overseas because military families can use expired coupons for up to six months past the expiry date

So I usually lug around a giant binder full of all the coupons I clip and print.  Then look up all the match-ups, search coupon databases and set up scenarios.  Doing all this work takes me 10s of hours each week.

Yesterday I learned how to use a filing system instead
<<First: Get inserts from Sunday paper and write the date

>>Second: Put into filing folder

<<Third: Clip as needed

*keep coupons for five months then trash or donate to military families

They also talked about a new website that should take out all the work from finding match-up and creating scenarios at: staradvertiser.com/smartshopper

So, exciting.  When I get to using the website next week, I'll post about it.

Next Post: Bean Bag Frogs, Cornelius and Thoughts on Elder Holland's Talk

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

God Knows Me, He Really Knows Me

I left this one short on purpose, without adding any of the notes I took that day at orientation.  Sister Wagstaff and I were staying with the Traveling (in charge of taking the sisters to and from the airport and to their areas on the island) Sister, Sister Leishman who would become her companion.

***June 17, 2004 JOURNAL: First Day In Guam - Guam North Zone, Area: Macheche
          So, I'm going to Pohnpei!  I'm so tired right now I can't even think straight and it's barely 9:30.  Good times.  Soo tired.

16 April 2013 God Knows Me

I decided to take some time this morning to work on a new crocheting project.  After working for almost an hour, I realized that I had done it wrong!  The good thing about crocheting is that if you make a mistake, all you have to do is undo it to the point where the mistake is and re-work the project.  The bad thing is you have to take it out.  I guess it was good that I realized at that point instead of later on, down the line, but one of my serious pet peeves is wasted time.  A near hour's worth of work gone, and I can't get that hour back.  Then of course, at that very moment of frustration all the babies start to cry for attention all at once o.O.  I decided to put the crocheting project down feeling defeated.  Then I received, from a number not saved to my contacts list, the following text:
Thanks to a little google action it is a variation on James 1:2-4 (KJV),

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 
"Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 
"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."
I still sometimes believe that everything should be perfect if I'm doing my part to do all I can do.  Although, I know this is not real.  I know that even if I am doing my best everyday, temptations and trials will still happen.  But, especially when I'm doing my best and even at my worse I know the Lord is with me.  I know he knows me and that he can communicate with me, even if it is through a text that may have been intended for someone else, showing up on my phone.

Monday, April 15, 2013

We made it out!

Not that there was anything wrong with being in the MTC ...

***June 15, 2004 JOURNAL: Plane Ride to Guam
          We just passed over the international date line.  Back in Utah it's about 10:30 pm, LIGHTS OUT!
          It's been an eventful day.  I didn't get to bed until about 1 am.
          Yesterday was interesting.  Elder Duthrie and Elder Wagner did leave before the sun came up.  The rest of us got to go to the temple.  Always a good experience.  We didn't do sealings this time though.  I feel as if I wrote about a million letters yesterday.  But I know it was only five or six.  I really want to be able to write to more people, but I'll will do the best I can in the time I'm given.  I can't believe our MTC time is already over.  Sad.  I'm going to miss these Elders.  I don't know if I'll ever see them again.  Lots of goodbyes.
          Sister Wagstaff and I slept through the alarm this morning.  Two sisters came to get us at 4:30 am.  The time we were supposed to be at the travel office.  We left 45 minutes later with another group.  We made it to the airport in time for our flight to Hawaii.  I told Sister Wagstaff her job was to make sure I get back on the plane in Hawaii to go to Guam.  Our flight from Hawaii to Guam was delayed two more hours, giving us a four hour lay over in Hawaii (hello!).  But it was good.  I called home, talked to those folks.  Dad is the new branch president with Brother (William) Michael Sessions and Brother Herbert Franco as counselors.  Called Greg mostly to offer my condolences about his dad being in the branch presidency.  I can't believe that it has been almost a month.  Greg once said that time in the mission field flies faster than in the MTC.  Too fast!
          GOOD: Got on a plane in Hawaii, didn't stay home, got to talk to family and friends, I feel good about this
          COMPANION: has a new nephew, good humored, conversationalist, understands the gospel, understands the Book of Mormon, is willing to help those in need

15 April 2013 God Knows Me, Yes He Does

I remember sitting in district meeting after the our last devotional meeting and the question coming up about calling home at the airport.  I remember President Eddy saying, he had no official position on whether or not we used the airport phones to call home.

I remember having the realization that I would be flying home before going onto Guam.  I also knew that while at the Honolulu Airport I could have, at anytime, called some friends to come and get me and I would have never made it to Guam or Pohnpei.  Luckily for myself, and the two hour layover that stretched into a four hour layover, I had a better sense of purpose related to the work I was about to do.

Last week I studied, "For Peace At Home" by Elder Scott.  His talk will probably still be referred to. This week I am moving to Elder Holland's talk, "Lord, I Believe."

Yesterday, I was sitting in sacrament meeting letting myself get down on my kids behavior and feeling weighed down by some seemingly minuscule trials.  I wrote down my complaints about why do we bring our kids to church when we have to struggle with them for the hour of sacrament meeting and so on, and so forth.  Then I looked at the Relief Society Lesson for that day and read the following tagline quote from President Lorenzo Snow, "Every man and woman who serves the Lord, no matter how faithful they may be, have their dark hours; but if they have lived faithfully, light will burst upon them and relief will be furnished."  It was a tender moment, where I knew the Lord was hearing my pleas for understanding.  But God didn't stop there.  The missionaries shared the following thoughts when they each bore their testimonies:

  • Doctrine and Covenants 58: 2, 4, "...he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven. ... For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand."
  • trials deepen our faith and our understanding
  • it's not up to us to remove ourselves from the refiner's fire
  • trials as a missionary taught him that life after serving a mission won't be all smiles and butterflies
  • the Lord will strengthen us as we are obedient and serve diligently in our callings
  • where there are trials, the Lord is there also
  • the Lord will not tempt us, but he will try us
The lesson in Relief Society was entitled, "Faithfulness in Times of Trial: 'From the Shadows into the Glorious Sunshine.'"

  • The Lord has determined in His heart that He will try us until He knows what He can do with us
  • He will try us,and continue to try us, in order that He may place us in the highest positions in life and put upon us the most sacred responsibilities
Heavenly Father saw me coming and met my needs in church.  He answered the prayers I didn't realize I had be saying and comforted my soul.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

For Peace in the Home, Live a Life of Obedience and Service

I noticed that I stopped taking notes in my journal as much as I was at the beginning.  I don't know why.

*** June 13, 2004 JOURNAL: Last Sunday (Record MTC Experience)
          In our district meeting this morning, President Eddy asked us to write down our feelings and experiences of the MTC. (It's so we don't turn into punks and trash talk the MTC when we get home.)  The MTC is the best place to learn.  The atmosphere here is great because we're all learning together and it's done by and through the spirit.  I don't know what more to say except that the Lord put a lot into making this place so very special.
          I got to play piano today in our branch Sacrament Meeting!  And one of the Elders played his violin in the devotional.  I miss Marie (my violin: Marie Antoinette Anastasia Pauahi Mulan Manoa (and her bow: Beau)).  I wonder if I can get her to Guam ...
          We had to say goodbye tonight.  Elder Wagner and Elder Duthrie leave tomorrow morning before we wake up.  It kind of sucks.  It's like saying goodbye to family all over again.  But, like I told President Chapman this morning, we've reached a comfort level and now it's time to move on.
          Opened the letter from home.  Daddy is the new branch President of the Makakilo 2nd Young Single Adult Branch.  I'm so proud of him.  I know he will help the branch.  I'm sad that President Nahinu won't be in the branch when I get back.  But, the Lord knows what's what!  'sall good.

11 April 2013

Having a great day so far!  It's always a great day when I manage to get a shower in before the babies wake up from their naps.

I have been studying Elder Scott's talk, "For Peace in the Home" for the last few days and will for the rest of the week.  Technology these days is great.  After checking lds.org everyday since Sunday, yesterday the talks were up to read.  I was also able to load it onto the gospel library on my phone and kindle!  What's even more amazing is how the annotations (highlights, notes and journals) save across the board.  From my lds.org account, to my phone and my kindle, if I highlight on one, I highlight on all!

Elder Scott teaches that if we want a peaceful home and life we need to center our homes and lives around Jesus Christ.  Which makes sense because Christ did say, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:30 KJV).  I noticed in his talk Elder Scott did not say that in order to have a peaceful home it needs to be immaculately clean (although that would be nice), or have all the latest gadgets or have children that eat dinner neatly and wash their own dishes.  All those things might be nice, at least once in a while.  But, no.  We are taught that true peace and joy comes from living a life of obedience and service, just like our Saviour Jesus Christ.  Elder Scott said, "We need not worry if we cannot simultaneously do all of the things that the Lord has counseled us to do.  He has spoken of a time and a season for all things.... He will direct us in what should be emphasized at each phase of our life."  That counsel gives me peace even when the house is messy and three babies are crying at me all at once.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spiritual Direction

Thanks for sticking it out, we're almost out of the MTC

*** June, 12, 2004 JOURNAL: Such a Blessed Day
          I got three letters today.  I learned that mail takes forever to get to Hawaii, like a whole week.  I guess I really let myself get down about mail last week.  But at least I know they're getting my mail back at home.
          Aunty Stacy Halemano wrote!  I didn't really expect that, so it was definitely nice.
          Family wrote, of course.  But, I can't open it until tomorrow, 10:00 am Hawaii time.
          I'm going to miss my district.  So awesome.  A lot of good times.
          We said goodbye to Sister King and gave her some candy and a lei.  We gave Brother Robinson an engraved journal with our testimonies in it and a lei.

10 April 2013 - Learning to Listen to the Spirit About the Secular in Nature
On Monday mornings I like to hop over to the local Foodland and check out the manager's specials on meat.  I've found the Monday mornings to generally be successful for me.  However on this particular morning there was nothing.  As I was about to leave I felt to go searching in other sections of the store.  Normally, I have no trouble walking out of a store without buying anything.  Among other things I decided on some pre-made cookie dough that I had coupons for and were on sale.  Simply because I felt it was the right thing to do.  I have all the ingredients to make cookies at home, so I didn't need pre-made dough.  Yesterday morning Nake'u called saying we were asked to feed the missionaries that night.  Picking up the cookie dough was orchestrated inspiration, as it took me all day to clean up down stairs and taking care of babies.  Sometimes I forget that Heavenly Father can direct us in all things not just churchy things.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy + Happy = Happy

Trying to be more organized to get blogging done!

*** June 11, 2004 JOURNAL: A Startling Realization
          We were talking about judgement in class.  Elder Duthrie made a good point.  The reason Christ will be our judge is because he knows us.  he's been through everything with us.  He's been trough everything with me.  And even with the wrong choices I've made in live, he never turns his back on me when I need him.  He never fails me.  He never fails to forgive me.  Perhaps, Greg is right, and  I need to begin to forgive myself.  The little things that I let hinder myself that I've repented of, the Lord doesn't even recognize any more.

8 April 2013

And we're back!  Nothing like a General Conference weekend to help me re-inspire my life. I read or heard somewhere of someone studying one talk per week to study and ponder.  I'm going to try that this year.  This week I'll be studying Elder Richard G. Scott's talk.

We were blessed this last weekend to spend some time in Waikiki.  Some time "away" from home to focus on spending time with each other and with the babies.  The babies didn't want to leave the hotel room.  And of course it was nice not having to clean up everyday for a few days.  We had all kinds of great adventures.  But the best moments were spent together with the babies smiling and having fun.

Lloyd's birthday was yesterday.  On Saturday night we wanted to eat at a fun place that would sing Happy Birthday to him.  We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for the first time.  The food was yummy and we had a great time.  Our waiter was admittedly scatter-brained, but he did a good job.  Lloyd was a bit shy about them singing happy birthday to him, but he fully enjoyed the cake.

I used to think that when things were going good that something bad was bound to happen.  And perhaps  that caused me to make bad things out of regular things that happen in life.  I am coming to know that just because things are going good and happy times are stringing themselves together doesn't mean that some bad time destroyer needs to breakup the fun.  In the book of 2 Nephi we learn that we are here to have joy.  God wants us to be happy.  Hard times do come, but even in those times we can still find happiness and joy in life, especially when our lives are centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ and our families.