Before each zone conference we were given a topic in which we were expected to write a 5 minute speech.
At zone conference one or two missionaries were assigned to share their prepared speech.
Luckily, we got practice for this in the MTC.
Here's part one of the talk I wrote:
***ZONE CONFERENCE TALK: Doctrine and Covenants 8:2-3 "How the spirit speaks to me"
In the book of Alma, Alma and Amulek taught the people of Ammonihah. But the poeple got angry and tied up Alma and Amulek. While they were bound, Alma and Amulek, were made to watch the destruction of the members of the church. Amulek knew that with help from God, he and Alma could release themselves and save the people. Amulek asked Alma, why they didn't do something to help. Alma said to Amulek, "The spirit constraineth me that I must not stretch fort mine hand." Alma knew just as well as Amulek, that they could have freed themselves and saved the people, bu the was able to recognize the promptings of the spirit. Alma was familiar with the Holy Ghost. Alma knew how the Holy Ghost spoke to him.
The spirit of the Lord speaks to each of us individually. The Holy Ghost is personal with us. He customizes and caters to our individual personalities. The church hymns do an excellent job
of describing the Holy Ghost.
"The spirit of God, like a fire is burning!" I remember the first time I received that type of experience. I remember giving a talk in the singles branch back at home. As I bore testimony saying that I know this is the true church of God and that I Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Redeemer, I knew what I said was true. I knew because I felt a warm "burning" feeling in my body. An overwhelming warmth. I knew that the spirit of God was testifying to me and through me that what I was saying was true. The spirit of God like a fire is burning.
24 June 2013
On Friday, Lloyd went on his first field trip. The preschool had an end of the year party at Chuck E. Cheese.
Sadly, Nakeu had to work, and I knew I would not be able to manage all three kiddies at this even where families were invited and encouraged to attend. Alesandra and Itasca stayed with MommyDaddy.
Also, I tried to get the tb results from my last scan so I could ride the bus with Lloyd. Of course the results showed up in my email box Saturday morning ... So, I met Lloyd there.
Here's the bus! |
The parents and families waited outside until after the kiddies got in and got seated |
I got to sit next to Lloyd |
"If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands!" |
Class picture. Lloyd doesn't like the characters. |
Teachers and assistants all trying to fit their faces in a sketch booth picture. |
"Lloyd take a picture with Sean" |
Add caption |
Lloyd and Logan watching Polar Express while we wait for lunch. |
These characters did a good job of rocking out with the kiddies. |
Last night, after we got home from Sunday night dinner, we switched the car seats from Nakeu's car to mine. Lloyd asked why. I told him in case it rains tomorrow and we need to drive to school. Good thing we did, 'cause it's a raining right now!
Happy morning!