Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Fresh Start in 2015

Reminiscing on a post I started and never finished on 16Nov2014:

The Week Where Nothing Seemed to work out
During this week it seemed like all plans were falling apart.  I walked away from a job opportunity.  I still have not yet heard back from the music department.  It's been a frustrating week.
Sometimes the Lord makes us wait.  Sometimes we need to feel the struggle in order to recognize the hand of the Lord in our lives.
WARNING: This post is very long
WARNING: I'm taking a break from the MusicEd story (I have not given up on attaining this degree)
IF you want cute photos of the babies from Thanksgiving (I didn't take any at Christmas/New Years) scroll down to the end.

***August 11, 2004 JOURNAL: Sweet!
     I have said that word more times today that I care to remember,  So very tired right now.  I didn't do much today and I feel exhausted.  Maybe it's because I'm laying down.
     District Meeting today.  It's like extra Sabbath.  I enjoy being around the other missionaries.
     I was thinking about a lesson I learned in a devotional district meeting in the MTC.  There's a natural process by which people are able to learn to change themselves which comes as a result of building up trust then turning them ever so slightly towards the light.  I don't know how much help I can/should be to others, when I, myself, am far from perfect.

11 January 2015 - New Year, New Beginnings

The quote from the beginning of this post was a hard time.

At that time, I had two job opportunities available.  One that recently contacted me again with interest in me teaching piano/violin lessons after school/evening hours.  Another as a part-time admin assistant at a preschool town-side, with the strong possibility of growing to a full time position.  But none of those positions felt right.  I walked away from the second after the first of three days of trial/orientation, where I basically volunteered four hours of my day.

I had been (I'll continue this story in the next post, promise.  I'm still working on getting in shape, musically to get into school) back and forth with so many different counselors and advisers at LCC and UH Manoa that I was having trouble keeping track of who did what.  Then I finally managed to get to the right adviser and she wasn't answering her emails (I magically emailed her while she was off island for something like 2 weeks).

As of Friday, I am officially done with family childcare.  While I'll miss the kiddies, it's time to move forward to help support my family and start accomplishing some goals.  I feel like my babies are growing and in a place where Nakeu and I can be gone from the home for a while and they'll be okay.  It's hard to let go and to trust others when I've been with my babies for the last six years.

Today I was released as Personal Progress adviser in the Young Women's program.  I have served with three different presidencies in the last six years and have loved all the girls I have had the opportunity to work with.  I will miss being able to work so closely with the girls.  Being released will make it will be easier to manage work and family.  It also makes it easier to support Nakeu in his calling because I can watch the babies in the evening when he needs to be up at the church and at meetings and such.

Since the beginning of the month I've been working on a way to continue the orchestra group from the Christmas devotional.  It's been a little rocky trying to make great plans concrete.  But there are people that keep pushing me along and this is something I feel right about doing and being apart of.  I was worried about finding rehearsal space and cost and funding to run a community, volunteer orchestra.  Today I learned we may have access to space that, may be rent free.  We also have an upcoming performance with the Renaissance Academy in Kapolei, scheduled for April.

Tomorrow is a fresh start day as I start full time at the Kroc Center as an admin assistant to my manager in the Programs department.  I'm super excited to start this position.

In my favorite lesson from church today, there was a quote I loved by Ezra Taft Benson:
"When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives."  I may not be perfect in putting God first, but I have been working at making scripture study, worship and prayer a more important part of my life.  I believe this fresh start and new year are results of that.  Putting God first and letting Him put things into proper place at the right time.

End wordiness.  Start photo bucketing:
